The Technology Integration Planning Model

This week in the unit I’m studying on Online Learning, we’re looking at effective ICT integration planning models, focusing on the Technology Integration Planning (TIP) model.
There are many ways that educational institutions plan the integration of ICT. Some of these can be divided into two main areas of focus. Does the institution first plan how it sees learning happening, then acquires the technology systems to enhance that? Or does it allocate a budget for ICT and then ICT systems are put in place and then learning activities are designed around what the ICT allows? Warren McCullough (2011) has outlined these differences here.

Because of these fundamental differences in emphasis between infrastructure and curriculum, it is essential for educators to have an understanding of well designed integration planning models. The Technology Integration Planning (TIP) model is one such model, developed by Roblyer (2006), and adapted by Finger, et al (2007). It describes 5 phases:

1. Determine relative advantage
2. Decide on objectives and assessments
3. Design integration strategies
4. Prepare the instructional environment
5. Revise integration strategies Finger, et al (2007) p. 155

Below is my adaptation of the model:

TIP model adapted

At all points in the framework it is essential to ask questions which keep a focus on why ICT is being integrated into the activity or unit of work. If the integration of ICT is not being used to enhance the learning experience in some way, but is merely a substitution for existing techniques, then opportunities to improve the learning experience are lost. It is also important for teachers making a change to integrate ICT that they see its benefits.


McCullough Warren (2011)

Roblyer, M.D (2006) Integrating educational technology into teaching, 4th edn, Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Finger, G., Russell, G., Jamieson-Proctor, R., & Russell, N. (2007). Transforming Learning with ICT: Making it Happen. Pearson Education Australia.

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